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PJ, CR Meet Newly Appointed Acting Judges
Group Photo: The newly appointed Judges with the Principal Judge Hon. Justice Dr Flavian Zeija, together with the Chief Registrar, HW Sarah Langa Siu at the High Court Headquarters

On Tuesday August 16, 2022, the Principal Judge, Hon. Justice Dr Flavian Zeija, together with the Chief Registrar, HW Sarah Langa Siu, held a meeting with the newly appointed Acting Judges of the High Court at the Judiciary headquarters in Kampala.

The purpose of the meeting was to get to know each other and also receive some tips as they start their judicial career on the High Court Bench.

The Principal Judge appreciated the newly sworn-in Judges for having turned up for the meeting even though it was on short notice. He further informed them that in the new Judiciary, the old ills of court users complaining have no place, hence the need to work hard, given the fact that they will be assessed for their suitability before confirmation in their positions.

The PJ called upon the Judges to recognize that the effectiveness of judicial authority lays largely in the respect and acceptance of the fact that it is exercised on behalf of the people. He said, therefore, there is need for them to pay utmost attention to the manner in which this duty is exercised.

He cautioned them against vices, such as; corruption, absenteeism, late coming and leaving early from duty, delayed delivery of judgements and rulings and poor customer care: emphasizing the need for integrity since it's a bedrock of the administration of justice.

While addressing them, the Chief Registrar congratulated them for reaching such a milestone. She further informed them that at the moment, the High Court has the highest backlog statistics, hence, their coming is expected to reduce this.

Adding that their packages comprising of their appointment letters, key performance indicators and other relevant items are ready for picking.

The Chief Registrar advised them to utilize the Registrars at their stations and for those who are new can take advantage of those that have been in the system, pledging full support to them whenever need arises.

The meeting followed the August 15 deployment of the new Judges to different circuits and divisions.

Posted 16th, August 2022
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